How To Get The Best Rates On Automobile Insurance In Arkansas
Like all but a tiny handful of states, Arkansas requires every person who drives a motorized vehicle on Arkansas roads to purchase automobile insurance. In Arkansas the minimum liability insurance that a driver must carry is $25,000 bodily injury per person with $50,000 per accident plus an additional $25,000 in property insurance.
If you own a newer vehicle, or a very expensive model, and your vehicle is financed, your lender may require that you carry more than the state-required minimum coverage.
Arkansas also has a system in place to keep track of every single registered vehicle in the state of Arkansas the moment any vehicle becomes uninsured, the state of Arkansas has the ability to revoke that vehicle’s registration, rendering that vehicle illegal to drive.
In other words, Arkansas is serious about drivers purchasing automobile insurance, and since you have to purchase automobile insurance in order to drive on public roads, it just makes sense to search around in order to get the best rates on automobile insurance here in Arkansas.
But before you jump online and start...