Internet based businesses are in a race for domination with other vendors popping that will assist them for only a small fee.
With a steady flow of visitors and web traffic you may find yourself in a position where you dont have to pay. You can build yourself the foundation of a loyal list by allowing visitors to sign up or opt in and allow your list to grow from there.
Use an opt- in list to gain subscribers to your newsletters, your visitors know they will be receiving news and updates from you regarding your site and industry via email. Unfortunately that does not mean that your subscribers will read it.
Sometimes lists are made using other methods such as an attachment with a promotional offer or a free product. The subscribers are not really interested in receiving the emails as much as getting the promotion and often delete the email without even opening it or scanning it over.
There is a way to change this.
A lot of time and effort goes into creating a newsletter and you dont want it wasted. To get readers you need to create an interest for the reader. That interest needs to be strong enough to get the results you want. That is traffic...