In one of my past magazine jobs my office was next to that of the book editor. He would get boxes and boxes of books daily. There was a separate room devoted to storing these books, but that still didn’t keep them from piling up in his office. Whenever he returned from vacation he practically had to use a bulldozer to get his door open!
You see the problem, right? How do you get your book noticed, let alone reviewed, when it is just one among stacks of books in an editor’s office? Here are a few tips to help you map out a winning strategy.
1. Determine which magazines are the best for reaching your target market.
As you plan to market your book, decide first who your ideal reader is. Is it a 35-year-old urban professional man? Is it a stay-at-home mom who lives in the Midwest? Is it female college graduates who also happen to be sports fanatics? Once you decide who you’re targeting, ask yourself: What magazines does my ideal reader read? Those will be the magazines you’ll focus on. That way, you won’t waste time and money pursuing dozens of magazines which, even if they did review your book, wouldn’t give you much in...