Unfortunately along with the holiday season usually comes an increase in credit card fraud and identity theft, so right after the holidays is a great time to check your credit report. The following article will show you why, when and how to check your credit report…
Why you should check your credit report
* to check for errors
* to check for fraud and identity theft
* to get the best interest rates
* more and more people are relying on credit scores – car insurance, employers, etc.
When to check your credit report:
* Once a year if you have good credit and don’t anticipate any large purchases in the near future
* Before a major purchase, such as a new home, new car, etc. – should request your credit report 6 months ahead of a big purchase so you have time to correct any errors
* If you’ve been denied a credit card, loan or other product or service because of your credit (you are entitled to a free credit report if you have been denied credit based on information found in your report)
* If you suspect that your identity has been stolen
* If you are starting a plan to get out of...