Your free credit report supplies you with all the necessary information you need to know about your personal credit history. You can request your credit report personally and receive the information online. Without much effort and a small amount of time, you can request a “free copy of my credit report” from an online service.
The website Annual Credit Report allows you, the consumer to review your free credit report once a year. If you do not have access to a computer, you can request a credit report by filling out the information available from the FTC and sending it to the address provided for Annual Credit Report.
The three top credit agencies that you receive a credit report from are Equifax, Experian and TransUnion. These credit-reporting agencies have all your personal information as well as your credit history and your credit score. All the reports come as one request per year. If you decide to ask each credit agency separately in writing for this information, without using Annual Credit Report services, you have to pay a fee for the credit report.
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