To your surprise there will probably be more things that you may want to avoid doing to win the favor of your man to get a chance at the All Might Pampering. In some cases you may want to avoid doing certain things if you want to keep him comfortable with pampering you. So that would make this article good for women who are getting pampered and those who arent.
Try to keep it real with yourself and face the fact that no one owes you a foot rub, back rub, or what you may consider pampering. With womens movements and the lack of chivalry in todays society you are now being put on the level of being equal with a man. If youre the type of woman that believes in women being treated as equals, the type that holds to more older traditional values, or you maybe the type that likes to pull either card when it is convenient (This is a major dont do). All this is totally irrelevant. Both types are now being treat like equals regardless of what you may believe or hold true too. So if your feet hurts after a long days work or maybe they just hurt from doing so much walking through the park or shopping mall. Guess what? No, one owes you pampering.
Communication is still the...