Having cash in hand when you need it is nice. It just cannot always be that way, though, because many people live from paycheck to paycheck. This means money can be a little tight in between paydays. If you should, however, have need of emergency cash, or just some extra cash for something that has come up, you can always get a payday advance.
These loans, which go by many different names, are easy to apply for and most working people can qualify to receive them. Even better, though, is that you can actually have the cash put directly into your bank account in about one hour.
Applying for your payday advance does not take long at all – generally about 10 minutes. You can apply from your computer while sitting in your home – very convenient. You should know, though, that not all states permit payday advances, so you may want to check on this first.
If you want to get your cash faster – within an hour, you will need to be ready with some paperwork. After your application is completed, you will receive a phone call to verify some information. This may mean you need to fax some things to them – like recent pay stubs proving you are...