As a former owner of a National Speakers Bureau, I have learned from several thousand professional speakers “How to Give a Great Speech.” Here are some techniques that I share with my coaching clients who want to become paid professional speakers or business professionals who want todeliver masterful presentations.
1. Speak from the heart.
Believe in what you have to say, or dont say it. If your passionate about your subject the words will come. Speak about the fundamental beliefs you have about life, the simple truths that you believe in with all your heart.
2. Write down two or three specific objectives you have for this speech.
Ask yourself, ‘What do you want the audience to do as a result of your speech? ‘Think differently? Act differently? Do something differently?
3. Write it out.
When you give a speech be sure that people need to hear what you have to say. Than you need to understand it so well that you could explain it to an eight-year-old You know, if you write it down enough times, than you will become familiar with it. Dont read your speech if necessary, just read the lead sentences that you write ona...