How To Give A Room A New Look On A Budget
As a homeowner, you dont need to have a large budget to give your home a remodel look straight out of the home and garden magazines. Any motivated do it yourselfer can redecorate a room and have it looking sleek and fashionable for under $1000. Remodeling with a budget in mind not only saves you money, but also increases the resale value of your home.
You can change the mood of your house just by painting and changing colors, especially uplifting your spirits during the cold winter season. Painting your house is a simple to do home improvement project that’s easy on your budget if you do it yourself. Dont go after the most expensive paint you can find.
Expensive doesnt necessarily always mean the best quality paint. A good rule of thumb as to how much you will spend painting just one room around 300 square feet will be less than $200, including necessary supplies of rollers, paint roller tray, duct tape and paint brushes.
Other materials such as a drop cloth, paint bucket, or rags are optional. You can use old blankets that you dont mind getting paint on, or use cardboard. Rags can be replaced with...