How To Have Fun At Home When You Cant Afford To Go Out
Are you strapped for cash? Bored out of your mind? Tired of watching meaningless TV shows? Here are some ideas for you that dont cost as much money as going out on the town.
Have people over
You can organize any kind of get together that you want: you can have a few girls over for tea, or you can have a bigger party (but remember to tell guests to BYOB!). For the price of a few bags of chips and some pop, you can have a great night.
Theme nights
Theme nights can be a lot of fun. Have girls night where you all paint your nails and do pedicures. Everyone can bring their stuff, and you can all mix and choose.
If you have kids, you can organize a scavenger hunt. It can be fun and simple.
Play Games
You can play Balderdash or Scattergories with materials that you probably have around the house. For Balderdash, simply take a dictionary and have one person find a really hard word. Everyone invents a definition of the word and writes it down (the person with the dictionary copies the word down too). Then, when the person with the dictionary reads it aloud, everyone has to...