Want to have great ideas? You could try waiting to see if they pop into your head someday, and they honestly might. However, if you want a more systematic method you can use today, here it is in three simple steps:
1. Get knowledge in the area in which you want the ideas.
2. Use idea-generating techniques.
3. Choose the best ideas from the results.
Great Ideas Start With Knowledge
You wouldn’t expect to come up with a new theory of relativity if you had no knowledge in physics or mathematics. You need some degree of knowledge in the area in which you want new ideas. For truly great ideas, it helps to have a great deal of knowledge.
To create a new transportation device, for example, you would want general knowledge in that field, as well as more specific knowledge. This might include knowing a little about all the current modes of transportation. You might add to that a list of things that have been tried and failed, and a list of all the things that people want in their transportation.
Great Ideas From Techniques
Ideas and inventions start in the mind, and the mind follows certain patterns and rules....