How To Hire Like The Fortune 500’s: A Guide For Small Businesses
A recent iLogos Research study revealed 94% of Fortune 500 companies now hire employees online, a stark contrast from 1998, when only 29% of them were doing the same. If you own or manage a small business, that means the vast majority of your fiercest competitors are now spending less time and less effort on recruitment. And that leaves them with more time to, simply put, get a leg up on you.
Sure, it sounds like a threat. But isnt lack of technology an inevitable drawback for most small businesses? Absolutely not. Maybe 10, even 5 years ago. But not today.
Every time we do market research with small businesses, we hear three top reasons why the business has not yet implemented an online hiring solution, in which job candidates apply online:
1. The cost is too high
2. They lack the technological know-how
3. They believe setting up a recruitment software would take longer than just doing it the old-fashioned way
Those are all valid concerns, considering most small businesses operate on a tight budget and without an in-house IT department.
The good news is...