Growing Towards Excellence. Would you like to become a better person? If I did a survey asking people this question, I’m sure I would receive 100% response YES!
Let me ask you a question:
“Who started today deciding on one thing they were going to be aware of and work on today to make them a better person?”
I asked this question recently to a room full of people and only one person said YES!
Many of us have desires and aspirations that we would like to see fulfilled in our lives, but are not actively taking action to make those things happen. It can be difficult to relate what happens in the present to the results we would like to see in the future. However the future is prepared for today, by the choices we make and the way we invest our time and energy.
Most people want to be the best they can be, but get discouraged because it seems such a huge mountain to get there. We live close to Burnaby Mountain, and often take the dogs for a walk there. Theres a really pleasant trail near the bottom, shaded by trees, along the bank of a stream However when it is time to walk home up the steep hill the prospect seems daunting. I can...