Nowadays, Social networking sites popularity is increasing day by day like facebook, myspace, orkut, digg etc., we can say social networking is one of the best and free ways for increase traffic on our site. Social networking is important in blogging and if you cant do social networking then its a rare chance that youll be successful in blogging. Leaving comments and trackbacks is part of social networking. Apart from that is part of one of the popular Social news networks.
(1). Increase traffic through Friends
Friends are the heart of the social networking attitude, and when promoting content this can be a valuable tool in viral marketing. The more friends you have in your network, the more visibility you will have when promoting.
(2). Increase traffic through Blogs
Blogs are one more great way to spread the word, most blogs allow you to post nameless comments. I use these blogs to post a comment then I include a link to one of my sites. I achieve a free back link for simply commenting on a story.
(3). Increase traffic through Picture Perfect
You may not understand it, but by passing on uploading your picture, you are also passing on an...