If you have a credit card but are fed up because you have a low limit, then now is the time to start getting your limit increased. It might seem tricky to get your limit increased, but if you follow a few simple steps then your credit limit will gradually increase to the level that you want.
Prove your creditworthiness
The most important step to getting a higher credit limit is to prove to the lender that you are worthy of a higher limit. This involves showing that you are financially stable and that you can make the payments back on what you borrow.
Borrow wisely
To show your lender that you are worthy to get a higher limit, you need to borrow wisely. If you use your card wisely and show that you can handle debt and pay back what you owe, then the lender will feel safe in lending you more.
Use you card regularly
If you want a higher credit card limit then you need to use your card on a regular basis. Keeping your card for emergency use will make it hard for the lender to understand your financial stability and payment history. If you use your card regularly then you establish a buying history and the lender is more likely to increase...