How To Instantly Learn & Apply Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Model
Cognitive behavioral therapy has a lot of research behind it. Because of this very large call for cognitive behavioral therapists to work from government administered health services. This article will briefly cover the cognitive behavioral therapy model so the reader can apply it to any life situation of their choosing.
It may be useful to have a pen and paper to hand. At the top of the piece of paper you can draw a box. You can label the box life situation, problem or challenge.
In the cognitive behavioral therapy model they are basically four modalities which need to be explored in order to find solutions. In this way it is a holistic therapy because it attempts looks at the person as a whole being rather than as having a problem that needs to be fixed.
Drawing a line down from the challenge box, you can draw the thinking box. Thinking box refers to what you are thinking – your thoughts surrounding the situation you are working on. If it is a habit for example that you want to change, you look at what you are thinking during acting out on that habit and around it. You may...