How To Kill Your Competitors Product And Get A Great Big Laugh While Doing It
Ill never forget the day one of my competitors began copying and imitating our products and services! At first it was flattering or at least I told myself that, in order to not get flaming mad. I kept telling myself, its competition that makes the world go-round.
After several months of seeing similar ads, same size, same publications, same frequency and then showing up at the same tradeshows, I decided to do something about it. I did so in an up front, aggressive, in your face, humiliating, embarrassing, and however legit way, that ended my competitions tradeshow appearances once and forever!!
I knew our product was far more superior and much more stable than that of our competitors. It was irritating to see them capitalize on our advertising efforts and piggy back on our success by having a me too product. Reading and hearing their claims of how our product was trash and nothing but garbage caused me to take action. My company used their negative comments and turned them into an advertising campaign, that led to the demise of their product and we enjoyed every minute of...