How To Learn Basic Spanish Words – 5 Top Tips
Learning a new language is always difficult, but we hope that these tips should make it a lot easier and hopefully fun too! In this article has we have put together five tips which you can use every day and will help with word retention and accessibility.
How To Learn Basic Spanish Words, Tip !1 – Pin The Tail On The Human
This can be great fun. If you have a big piece of paper draw the rough outline of a human body, then using your Spanish/English dictionary, write down as many Spanish words for parts of the body as you can find on separate pieces of paper, then fold the names into two and place them in a big bowl.Then with family or friends or even just by yourself, see if you can place all the names on the correct parts of the body. If you do this a couple of times a week you will soon have the major body parts in your vocabulary of basic Spanish words.
How To Learn Basic Spanish Words, Tip 2 – the Name Game
The most difficult aspect of a new language can establishing a vocabulary that allows you express yourself accurately. My favorite way of getting to grips with basic...