Why does Google Adwords Want $10 Minimum Bid? This is a question I hear all of the time.
You’ve spent time and money researching a market, more time and money putting a website together for that market and your ready to go live. You decide to give Adwords a shot because you’ve heard so many great things about it. You sign up and begin creating your account, getting excited with anticipation off all that high quality traffic your about to get. You put in the keywords and Boom! Google adwords gives you this message “Increase quality or bid to $10.00 to activate” What is going on here!!?? What a scam.
The thing about Google is they reward relevancy and penalize websites that are irrelevant. Who decides whats relevant and what’s not? Google does based on it’s algorithm from Google Bot. I have used $10 minimum bid as an example, it could be $5 or a $1 minimum bid. Your minimum bid should be cents not dollars.
How do you make Google Bot your friend? Make your website relevant in Google’s eyes. This is done by a 3 pronged attack. First make sure your ad groups are “themed” around 1 keyword with variations....