The majority of people these days rely a little bit too much on their credit in order to keep them living in the lifestyle that they are accustomed to. For many people their entire life seems to be run on a line of credit. This is all good but because credit has become such a life line to so many people, they have to resort to loosing almost the entirety of their paychecks from work just to keep their credit going.
Most people are either living with credit debt that is so high it prevents them from getting a home or a car, and others are working just so that they pay their credit limits with credit cards so that they live off of those credit cards until their next paycheck. People who live like this condemn themselves to this repeated cycle of spending and credit for the majority of their lives.
Since most people begin to establish their credit line when they are young, they are predisposed to see the credit as free money. That is of course; until they realize that eventually they will lose it all unless they pay off these ridiculously high limits. It is not uncommon for people with high credit limits to try to fix the balance of one credit card by getting...