Now a day the business is not only restricted within one area. Because of today is on demand of online internet market. If you are interested in business you acquire an online market. The website you have is online shop. Before you launch a new product in the market, you require updating it with a new content on your website.
There are many templates online to create your page. You can use free HTML templates and fill the content you want to in. Also many free java scripts, images, web programming codes and other graphics are available on the internet. You can buy a domain from the hosting company or temporary go for free domain.
Now you can start simple design pages using Dream Weaver after downloading templates into your PC and also you can make basic contact or inquiry Form using downloading script for developing page. Once you have upload pages on your server. Go for instruction which is given by hosting company to you. So these are the main and easy step to build a website. But if you have need more advance web programming details then better way is to learn about course like PHP or ASP.NET.
We are defining here two standard web programming language...