How to Make Money from Affiliate Ebooks without Selling them.
The standard way to make money from Ebooks is to sell them to our website visitors and our mailing list.
But what if we dont have many website visitors, and dont have a huge mailing list?
How do we sell them? And is selling the Ebook the only way to make money out of them?
This series of articles will be in three parts:
Part one: How to make money from Affiliate Ebooks without selling them.
Part two: How to use Ebooks and Ebay to build your mailing list.
Part three: How to use Ebooks to drive more visitors to your site.
First, lets look at some other ways to make money from Ebooks.
One way is to give them away! But how does that make money for me? You may ask!
Lets say we have an Ebook that we acquired from someone else and we have full re-sale rights.
Inside this Ebook there are usually one or two, (maybe more) active links to the affiliate program that we got the Ebook from.
These links will be traceable links to either the affiliate that sold or gave us the Ebook or the owner of the Affiliate program.
Now if we click on one...