How To Make Money On Your Personal Website Or Blog
It is now the year 2007 and a substantial amount of new people are getting internet connections and are therefore starting to spend time online. Some of them will just use the internet for finding information but some will start to share information as well. Some will do some shopping, while other will use features like home banking or governmental processes.
There are many ways to share the knowledge that you possesses but one of the most common ways and actually also one of the easier ways are to create your own website or maybe your own blog. I will not go into how to create a website or a blog because that could be a whole lection in itself but Ill tell you that you dont need to do much searching to find several guides on creating your own first website or your own first blog. Some sites will offer you step by step instructions as to how you can get started and the best part is that you can do it for free.
What I would like to share with you is how you can profit a little from having your own website or from having your own blog. Again there are almost unlimited possibilities but some of the most common...