Introduction to Contextual Advertising
Recently, advertisers have come to realize the large potential of the Internet as a media when it comes to advertisements. Advertisers are especially interested in using contextual advertising since it delivers targeted ads to a more receptive target audience.
Contextual advertising is a type of online advertising used mostly for content-based websites. With contextual advertising a program or system automatically scans a webpages content for specific keywords or search strings and based on the results then returns targeted ads based on the pages content.
Types of Contextual Advertising
There are three types of contextual advertising: the pop-up or pop-under ads, in-text contextual advertising, and inline contextual advertising. Many are familiar with pop-up ads because they have been around for quite sometime. Gator actually uses this kind of contextual advertising wherein a window with relevant a relevant ad for some product or service pops up while a user is reading a webpage. Pop-up ads are however considered to be not that effective for advertising since most users find them very irritating and so make use...