How To Make Your Computer Print Money In 6 Easy Steps
I bet that got your attention, didn’t it? I’ve been working on my headlines. Sorry to disappoint you but this article isn’t about counterfeiting or how to get rich quick. It’s about how to create a successful website which will draw lots of traffic and make you lots of money.
This is an enormous subject and you could write a book on each different step. I’m just going to provide a general outline here of the 6 crucial steps to creating a website that’s successful over the long term.
1 Pick Your Niche
Choose something you enjoy researching and writing about because you’re going to spend a lot of time doing both. It shouldn’t have a lot of competition. For example, don’t choose “electronics.” I guarantee you’ll never get a better ranking in the search engines than Sony or Narrow it down to something like “high end audiophile speakers”.
Do some research. Check out how much your keywords are going to cost for advertising. If they’re really expensive you might want to choose another niche....