Public speaking is an art of delivering a speech in front of an audience. Speaking in front of a group takes a lot of courage and preparation. You need skills to be a good public speaker. Below are 10 characteristics of a good public speaker.
1. Knowledge. It is important that you know what you are talking about. Read, read and read. Being a wide-reader is a great help because you have a better idea of the topic you need to discuss.
2. Preparation. Nothing can replace good planning and preparation. Analyze what you need for your speech, like visual aids. Review your speech. The more prepared you are in your speech, the more likely you will succeed in delivering it.
3. Message. Your message should suit your audience. Evaluate your message. Ask yourself these questions:
– Does it teach something new to your audience that they did not know before?
– Does it entertain your audience?
– Does it persuade your audience to practice what you have discussed?
– Does your speech share knowledge that can help people?
4. Language. Learn to use the appropriate words to suit your audience and occasion. Avoid using...