I am now involved in a permanent relationship with somebody I love very much.
She is gorgeous and probably the smartest female I have ever met.
But, before I met my mate I of course dated like everybody else; and I estimate that I probably dated, in some form or other, 100’s of women. I dated beautiful women, sexy women, ugly women, smelly women, classy women. prostitutes, young women, older women, you name it.
I made love to most of them, had one night stands and relationships that lasted for as long as 15 years. The funny thing is that you can always tell how a date is going to turn out within the first ten minutes. It is probably true that so-called speed dating works, because within the first couple of minutes into a date your mind decides and tells you:
1. WOW, now this is what I have been waiting for all my life.
2. Well, she’s got a nice body, but for the rest….
3. Got to get rid of this one pretty fast.
Let’s expand on No 1, the WOW person a bit more.
The first time I had a serious date I was 13. She was 15, a woman, and I was still a kid. She was very...