How To Outperform The Stock Market By 400% To 800%
Albert Einstein once said there is nothing more powerful than compound interest. Apply that logic to buying a stock in the stock market, and you can double your money in ten years. Further leverage that logic by putting 5% down on a home, and you can possibly multiply your money by four times, eight times… even twelve times in those same ten years!
Need Proof?
Let’s say you have $10,000, and want to find the best return for your investment. You can certainly put your money in the stock market, and if your stock goes up by an average of 7% per year, your $10,000 nest-egg will be worth nearly double after 10 years. ($19,472 to be exact.) Not bad for passive income!
However, if you take that same $10,000, and apply it as a down payment toward a 200,000 home that appreciates by half the rate of the stock market (3.5% a year average), your home will be worth over $282,000! Even if you get an interest-only loan, your initial $10,000 investment will be worth over $92,000 after selling the home and paying off your loan! If your home appreciates at the same rate as the stock market (an average of...