One of mans most common and trivial of all fears is that of speaking before the public, whether it be a small or a large group, but man has always learned how to cope and have developed many ways on how to overcome the fear of public speaking.
Although we may find people who would rather try to get away from every instance and opportunity for them to address the public, it is a rather very difficult thing to do.
This is most basically since man is a social being and will need to interact with other people at one time or another and even if someone may have avoided speaking before a group of people, there will always come a time and a point in ones life that he or she must speak before a crowd. This is also true with leadership.
If one needs to accomplish a task that simply cannot be done by just one person alone, one needs to speak to a number of people who may be able to help to accomplish the task.
A leader needs to communicate to a group of people in order to get the message across, making it an essential tool for leadership and management. For many, public speaking is a source of stress, especially for those who were mentally conditioned to...