Upon arriving at a crime scene, experts suggest that you follow a protocol of stages when it comes to examining the area to help prevent destroying evidence. During the early stage of your examination, crime scene investigators cannot assess which type of evidence will contribute in solving the case. Hence, gathering them all for analysis later on will help the progress of the case.
First Level of Search
This will consist the most superficial and basic level of the search. Here, crime scene investigators will try to identify the most efficient search pattern to be used for the environment available at the crime scene. Crime investigators and experts have predetermined search patterns for a given type of crime area. For instance, if its inside an apartment, they’d be using the zone search and the grid search is done on open areas.
During this level of the search for evidence at a crime scene, investigators use only their eyes as tools for the search. Hence, none of the potential evidence are moved or altered. Investigating officers also come in groups, such that another set of eyes will review the area in case one officer misses a given evidence....