Everyone knows that traveling with children can make your trip that much more fun and excitingor that much more difficult. Many a holiday disaster can occur whilst traveling with (especially young) children. However, although it is more than likely that your vacation will at least be somewhat more stressful with kids than if you were simply traveling with just your sweetie or a group of friends, there are things you can do and keep in mind to avoid a family holiday disaster and keep your vacation as stress-free as possible.
If you have a baby, try waiting until he or she is at least four months old and somewhat more established with feeding, changing, and sleeping routines. You likely will be breastfeeding every three to four hours with a long stretch at night rather than round the clock, which will make things much easier for you during a holiday, and help prevent a baby holiday disaster. Waiting will also come in handy if youre driving to your vacation destinationwith a six- or 10-month-old, you wont have to stop every hour to nurse and diaper change.
Avoid a toddler-related holiday disaster by planning sensibly and appropriately for the trip. Planning...