Baldness or hair loss is one of the most dreaded situations people can find themselves into. This is because this will not only affect their overall physical appearance but can also affect their emotional status as well.
Experts categorize hair loss into two typesthe permanent hair loss and the temporary hair loss. Permanent hair loss is associated with hereditary factors. People who have a bloodline that is prone to baldness cannot do much anything about it since it is in their genes.
The pattern baldness or androgenetic alopecia can affect both men and women. In men, pattern baldness can lead to thinning hair and receding of hairlines even at an early age. Eventually, this condition may lead them to total or partial baldness. In women, pattern baldness may come at a much later age and does not lead them to total baldness. Usually, the thinning hair manifests at their temples and hairlines.
When it comes to temporary baldness, it can be caused by certain factors such as illnesses, taking in medications for certain conditions, undergoing medical treatments wherein the drug that was used takes too much toll on the hair, hormonal changes which can either be...