How To Prioritize Your Work

| Total Words: 440

Regardless of whether you are a student, work at home mom, a web designer, or a CEO of a Fortune 500 company, prioritizing your work is critical to your success. Failing to prioritize your work load usually results in being extremely inefficient and extremely stressed out. How many times have you thought to yourself I have so much to do today, how am I ever going to get it all done?

There is no exact science to prioritizing, but there are several tips that should help you become a more efficient, less stressed version of your current self:

* Make a list this may seem obvious but youd be surprised at how many people try to organize their tasks in their head. Youll often find that you feel a lot better just getting everything out so that you can see it in one place.

* Consider time constraints what absolutely needs to get done today and what can wait until tomorrow or next week. Everything may be important eventually, but some things are more important now.

* Consider people constraints all things equal, move things that other people are waiting on to the top of the list. If you know that your manager cant finish his proposal without your part,...

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