If your business operates at flea markets, you may not realize that you still have the ability to accept credit cards from your customers. It’s no secret that shoppers spend more money when they use their credit card, so you definitely want to offer your flea market customers a way to swipe those cards to increase your sales volume.
If youre just starting out, or are a small-time business that occasionally rents booths at flea markets, it may not be in your best interest to sign up for a merchant account with a bank and then purchase the somewhat expensive equipment that would let you physically swipe a card at your flea market booth. On the other hand, if you are a thriving flea market business, you may be able to do just that- and use a satellite internet connection to send the credit card details to the processor.
Using A Telephone to Process Credit Card Payments From Customers
Most of the small and medium sized businesses with flea market or vendor fair booths cant justify the expense of the merchant account equipment. Fortunately, that doesnt mean there is no way to accept credit cards on-site! One of the easiest methods of accepting credit...