An extremely effective, low cost and low risk way of making money from your blog is to promote other people’s products as an affiliate. By merely linking to the merchant’s website with a special link provided by them, you can make commissions over and over again as your blog grows in traffic and popularity.
Although you can promote both physical and digital products, I prefer the latter as they typically pay more commissions and are easier to sell. Here are a few ways that I have personally used to make $500 – $2,000 in sales of affiliate products every month from my blog:
1) Interview The Product Owner
Who better to answer questions and clarify doubts on a certain product than the owner himself? By arranging for an interview with the owner or a representative, you get to be the middle-man and ask the most important question on behalf of your blog readers.
You can conduct interview easily using Skype and a recording software that integrates with it. Once recorded, you need to do some minor editing using Audacity, a free audio editing software. If you’re using WordPress as your blog platform, you can easily install some...