How safe is your computer? Could you be in danger of getting a virus on your system? Just how real is the danger? What steps should you take if any?
While visiting with a one of my students, I became aware that her anti-virus software was over seventeen months old and had never been updated. Upon informing her that she should update her anti-virus software regularly, she was totally surprised. Furthermore she had no concept how essential this was to ensure her system’s safety. Therefore I thought it wise to write about some of the precautions you should take to avoid becoming infected with a computer virus.
While there are many ‘virus’ hoaxes, and please do not pass any of these hoaxes on as these may actually contain viruses, computer viruses do pose a very real danger. Therefore I’ve listed a few preventative measures that you should take to ensure computer safety.
1. Do install an anti-virus software program and update it often as there are new viruses discovered everyday. I update my anti-virus database daily. At least weekly should be a goal. If you are not updating perpetually, it is like having an insurance policy and never...