Due to inappropriate diet and obesity, many people suffer from gall bladder disease. Gall bladder disease commonly affects overweight people as a result of high blood cholesterol levels. The consumption of foods that are rich in fat also contributes to the development of gall bladder disease and many people suffer from gall bladder affections as a consequence of inappropriate diet.
Gall bladder disease is usually caused by gallstones, solid structures formed from cholesterol, calcium and bile salts. Gallstones can cause cholecystitis (inflammation and swelling of the gall bladder), choledocholithiasis (occurs when gallstones accumulate inside the bile duct) cholangitis (infection of the gall bladder and bile duct) and pancreatitis.
Judging by the seriousness of gall bladder disease and its rate of development, there are two forms of the disorder: chronic cholecystitis (biliary colic) and acute cholecystitis. In the chronic form, the symptoms of gall bladder disease are milder and have a recidivating character. In the acute forms, the symptoms of gall bladder disease are very intense and in some cases suggest the development of complications.
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