How To Relieve Yourself From Pain Using Natural Treatment Methods
With little awareness, I used to think that OTC medication such as paracetomol or the anti-inflammatory medication like ibuprofen are the only choices when dealing with pain. Increasingly, I become aware that there are a number of ways to deal with pain using natural methods. While these methods may not provide instantaneous relief, at least, you eliminate the problems or side effects that you may otherwise have with drug treatments. Here are a couple of natural methods to help you relieve your own pain.
1. Heat versus Cold. Some people swear by the use of ice packs and cold massage. These packs can be store bought or you can use a package of corn or peas from your freezer. Wrap the cold pack in a cloth and then gently massage the painful area for five to seven minutes. Once the area begins to feel numb that is the time to stop. Others prefer heat. A hot water bottle or heating pad applied to the lower back for fifteen to twenty minutes can chase away the back pain in a matter of days.
2. Exercise. Tai Chi or yoga are two excellent exercises for back pain. The stretching aspect of yoga...