How To Restore Your Credit Card Score After Identity Theft
Credit card identity theft where your credit card is stolen, your PIN is stolen or someone opens another credit card in your name, can all be particularly damaging to your credit score. Unfortunately a credit score isnt so easily restored but there are a couple of things you can do to make the best of the situation and restore it as much as possible. In this article we will look at what you should do before and after credit card identity theft in order to best protect and restore your credit score.
The first thing you should do whenever you receive a new credit card is to make photocopies of both sides of the card and file these away in a safe place. This way if your credit card goes missing or you believe it may have been compromised you can immediately put a stop to it.
Regularly request credit reports on your name. These credit reports will show you whether any other credit cards have been opened in your name that you do not know about. The sooner you find out that a card has been opened in your name that is incorrect the sooner you will be able to put a stop to it and prevent any damage from...