Did you know that you can substantially save a lot of money simply by doing a quick 10-20 minute checkup on your car each week? In this article, I will give you the information you need properly maintain your car and saving money that would otherwise be spent on expensive repairs.
My first advice to you is that you need to read and understand your Owners Manual for each car that you own. Next, follow the tips below and inspect your car on a weekly basis (should take no more than 10-20 minutes).
– If you can get someone to help you just for minute or two then get them to watch your lights and turn signals to make sure they are all working properly.
– Look at your tires and make sure that they look good without cracks or cuts. You need also to check the air pressure in each tire with a gauge. The tire will have a psi pressure on it and it will also be printed in your manual. Tire pressure is very important to the control of the vehicle.
– Look at your belts and hoses for cracks and tears and replace as needed. Also check your hoses for any leaks.
– Check the oil in your engine with the vehicle “not running”....