Getting that money that you need when you have an emergency may mean that you take out a payday loan. These quick and easy loans can be obtained in most places, making it the loan of choice as far as easiness and convenience is concerned. In fact, filling out an application only takes about 10 minutes or less. They can, however, also be very costly. Here are some tips to help you get a better deal when you take out a payday loan.
First One Can Be Free
Payday loan lenders like people to know that they are there to help out in times of emergency – when you need cash in a hurry. They also believe that once you take out a payday loan that you will more readily take out another one before long. So, to encourage you, many lenders will actually let you have the first loan – free of any interest. This could be a great way to meet your emergency – interest free. Not all lenders will do this, however, so you want to read the advertisement carefully or ask them in person.
The amount of money that you can borrow on your first loan will probably be small, though, possibly as much as $400. By paying it off when it is due, this will enable you to get...