How To Search Text In Portable Document File (pdf) Documents
So, you want to learn about the options that Adobe has on offer for performing text search your PDF documents. Adobe does offer a number of tools that can help you find exactly what you want. You can search for specific words inside an open PDF file, within a set of PDF files, PDF files available on the Internet, or within a catalog of indexed PDF documents. You can search for words within the text, layers, and fields of a form, signatures, attachments, bookmarks, comments, document properties and within almost anything you can imagine. Most of the search options are used by Adobe by default whenever you perform a search while for some you have to use specific tools.
To search for words within a PDF file, you can use the Search PDF window or a Find toolbar. While basic function performed by the two options is almost the same, there are differences in the scope of the search performed by both. The Find toolbar allows you to search for text within the current PDF document while the Search PDF window allows you to search more areas by providing advanced options for searching in more than one PDF, indexed...