When you are looking for a credit card, you probably already know that you cannot beat a 0% APR interest credit card. After all, what can be better than paying no interest? Of course, this only applies to the introductory offer, but it can sure beat the interest levels you may already be paying on another credit card. Getting the perfect 0% APR interest credit card, however, will not come as easily as that. Here are some other things that you want to look for to make your credit card an even better deal.
0% APR Interest May Apply To More Than One Thing
When you look at the ads for credit cards and you see 0% APR interest credit cards, it may apply to more than one thing. Generally, it applies to the overall interest rate on the credit card. This means that there is no interest charged on a balance during the introductory period. Of course, there will be late fees if you do not make the minimum payment on time.
The other thing it can apply to is the balance transfer option – if it has one. This option on a 0% APR interest credit card means that you can make transfers of outstanding balances from other cards onto this card and pay 0% APR interest. The...