Model ship building is a hobby for all age groups. Men and women alike can spend endless hours carefully assembling each piece. At times, all that one has to build with is a photograph or a two dimensional drawing. Every moment requires a steady hand and plenty of patience.
Here are a few tips to consider when selecting and building a model ship:
1. Pick up a good book: Education is a key element to anything we wish to accomplish in life including the successful construction of a model ship. Books like The Ship Model Builder’s Assistant by Charles G. Davis or Building Warship Models by P.C. Coker are excellent resources to learning ship modeling techniques.
2. Decide on what style first: There are several models to select from. For instance warships, sailing ships, battleships, ocean liners, tug boats, etc. Then there are the materials you’ll be using: wood or plastic.
3. Check out building kits for beginners: It is best to begin with a beginner’s model kit. Don’t jump right in and try to build the HMS Victory. You’ll spend a lot of money, encounter a lot of frustration and very likely make so many “newbie”...