How To Select The Air Miles Credit Card You Need
Being a traveler that often uses the airlines as your means of getting around, you want to be able to have a good air miles credit card. Knowing how to select the right credit card means that you can get some excellent savings through it – and some free flights, too. Here are some tips to help you decide which air miles credit card may be right for you.
The first thing that must be considered is what airlines are available to you at the airports you will probably use the most. Be sure to consider both ends of your destinations. If you go with an airlines credit card then this means that you will get the best deals for that card only on that particular airline. That will work well for you if that airline flies out of the destinations you use the most – including the nearest airport to you. Otherwise you will want to go with a bank to get your air miles credit card.
Next, consider the introductory offer on the credit card and see what its features are. Generally you will have anywhere between 3 months up to 15 months for an introductory offer. This will usually give you 0% APR interest on any new...