Writing web copy can be tricky: you need to set it up in such a way that you are able to address the needs of your target market. Moreover, web copy is not like any other written or printed piece of writing: it has to be written concisely, with all the pertinent details shown so that the person reading the copy will pick up all the main ideas immediately. In the world of the Internet, writing the right web copy is important: people do not visit a website and read every single word in it, but they do need to get the right information in the least amount of time. You, as a copywriter, need to address their needs.
In particular, you need to answer four basic questions when writing web copy. First, why are your visitors at that website and why should they be there? Are they in need of a product or service? Do they fit a particular demographic that needs your help? Second, what should they do? Should they buy your product or service? Should they call you? Provide your visitors with a road on which to travel instead of telling them that they should get to a destination by their own terms.
Third, answer why your visitors should even do anything. Should they buy a product...