There is no doubt as to how fat-shedding procedures are popular nowadays in a world that has been plagued for vanity. Among the most popularly discussed ways of making one look slim and sexy is liposuction. While liposuction has become a frequently used buzz word, a lot of people do not actually know what exactly is. Here is a short primer on liposuction.
The surgical procedure known as liposuction is intended to diminish deposits of fat in the body to shape and sculpt it. This is done by using a canula a thin tube with vacuum-suction action, to remove fat under the skin. Some procedures use a probe powered by ultrasound that breaks up small pieces of fat to make the removal easier.
Liposuction can be done on various body parts, which includes the thighs, hips, the abdomen, the back, neck, buttocks and face. Depending on where bulges caused by fat deposits are located, you may have them sucked out to shape your body. Liposuction can be useful for people with big bellies, or sagging arms and things. It can also be useful for men who have larger-than-normal breasts.
The liposuction procedure is performed by a plastic surgeon or a specially-trained...