How to Show the Importance of Your Readers in Online Copywriting
Online copywriting is a formidable beast that is difficult to undertake. For one, offline copywriting allows you better control on who reads your copy: you have a fairly good idea who reads your work, what your target market is like, and where you can find that target market in order to know more about it. In fact, you can meet members of your target market face to face, spend money on interviews and focus group discussions, and find out what the members of your target market want and need. This can help you design your copy and get your marketing done.
The online arena is different: you do not know who visits your website, and you do not even know if the person claiming to be part of your target market is truly part of it, or is in need of free samples and is in another demographic altogether. The online arena offers a blanket of anonymity that affects even you: trust is so low online, so that when presented with information, people tend to shy away and be even more cautious. This can make for even more challenging copywriting, but if you are able to talk to people and show your readers that the...