You must have heard people saying “Sing from your diaphragm”, but what exactly do they mean? How can your diaphragm sing? What they actually mean is to use your diaphragm to control your singing breath.
Well, you must actually practice with good vocal exercises to perfect your singing breath. Singing from the diaphragm is a complex muscle/breath co-ordination that many singing teachers find it difficult to their students in words effectively. That is why there is so much confusion on this topic.
Just to give you an idea of how your diaphragm works when you are breathing, try this breathing exercise. Stand up straight with a relaxed posture, and then take a big yawn – Ahhhhhh! While you are taking that big yawn, notice how your tummy expands outwards? That is the diaphragm at work, pushing out your tummy so that your lungs can drop lower so that you can take in more air.
Now the diaphragm muscle is also used for the control of airflow by sending the correct amount of air to the vocal cords. As you sing the higher notes, less air is required for the vocal cords. By sending the correct amount of air, your voice quality will be stable and...