Want to know how to speak Spanish quickly? Of course it can help to learn how to ask for the bathroom, and to say hello. Here are a few of those basic phrases, with the phonetic pronunciations:
Hola. (oh-la) Hello or hi.
Buenos dias. (bway-nos dee-ahs) Good day.
Cul es su nombre? (kwahl ays soo nohm-bray) What is your name?
Mi nombre es Jose. (mee nohm-bray ays ho-say) My name is Jose.
Dnde est el bao? (dohn-day ays-tah el bahn-yoh) Where is the bathroom?
Muchas gracias. (moo-chahs grah-see-ahs) Thank you very much.
Learn How To Speak Spanish Quickly
To really accelerate your learning though, you need to know the basic phrases that will get the native speakers to be your teachers.
“Cmo se dice…” (co-mo say dee-say) – How do you say… and “Cul es la palabra para esto?” (kwahl ays la pah-la-brah pah-rah ays-toh) What is the word for that? are great phrases to know. You can say “Cmo se dice…” or “Cul es la palabra para esto?” and point at something, or use the English word, if the person you’re speaking to knows a little...